Tuesday, March 23, 2010

About the bill... an answer to @MsErica187

@MsErica187 is a model and club promoter from Orlando, Florida. She's one of my coolest Twitter friends, and a very interesting person (as well as a hottie!). Monday morning I made a statement on Twitter that basically stated that anyone who thinks this healthcare bill is a good thing doesn't know shit about economics, or freedom. Erica very politely asked me for an explanation of my view, and I promised her I'd post one up in my blog; being limited by Twitter to only 140 characters. I'll try to give my best answer as succinctly as possible, but if I don't finish today, I'll definitely wrap it up tomorrow. My opposition to this bill, especially the way it got passed in the house is so strong, and for so many reasons, I really don't know where to begin.

First of all, I don't like politics at all, and I really try to avoid bringing politics into this blog. I'd rather blog about American Idol, crazy reality shows, the weather, how boring it is in Firebaugh, my pets, anything, but politics. Unfortunately, with the current administration, and the media, and the general social climate in our awesome nation today, politics is getting shoved in my face. That being said, let me address the lovely Ms. Erica's question to me.

Erica, I'll cut to the heart of what my statement was about. You told me that you're not ignorant, and I'm not saying you are at all. I said that supporters of this bill don't know anything about economics, and I stand by that statement. Economics are not being taught in schools, and in college, Keynesian economics--which is a proven fallacy--is basically taught as a universal truth. Though the Democrats told you this bill is going to reduce the costs of healthcare, it is just impossible to give things away for free and expect costs to go down. Having the government pay for the medical treatments of everyone living in the United States (whether they're citizens or not) is simply economically unsound. The government is basically broke anyway, but now they plan to provide healthcare coverage for everybody. I hear people often say, "The government's paying for it..." but keep in mind, the government only gets its money from taking money from working Americans. A more accurate statement would be "My neighbors are paying for it..." To sum it up, this new medical plan is goiong to be so expensive, the government's not going to be able to pay for it. Taxes will go up, which will force the economy down (killing jobs), and the actual medical treatments will have to be rationed or denied altogether. The people who are in favor of this bill, some of whom were quoted as claiming that it's now like Christmas, don't seem to understand that there will be a huge price to pay.
That brings me to the freedom aspect. With the passage of this bill, the government is now in charge of your health care! Politicians and bureaucrats will now make medical decisions for you, solely based on cost, and if you're valued as a taxpayer! The terminal and the elderly, who are not seen as productive (taxpaying) members of society will be denied treatments, and possibly euthanized. Plus, the very nature of the government forcing every American to but health insurance, is unconstitutional.

Listen, I could go on all day. I'm still not even satisfied with this blog post answer to you, but I hope you realize that it's not out of hate that I'm passionately opposed to this new law. I love my country, and I believe in freedom for all individuals. This bill was unnecessary--70-75% of the American people were happy with their health coverage, and the uninsured were supposed to be covered by Medicare and Medicaid. PLUS, the way it was passed, with in-your-face bribery and corruption of congessmen, backroom deals and exempting people was absolutely disgusting. If the bill was so good, why do you have to exempt people to get it passed?
Anyway, I love people, and I love freedom, and in the end I believe Americans will do the right thing. Thanks for taking the time, Erica, as well as anyone who reads this...

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