Monday, March 22, 2010

A call for secession...

As I've blogged before, I really loathe politics, and I try and refrain from making this a political blog, but yesterday's passing of the illegal, unconstitutional, and destructive healthcare bill by a bunch of radicals has me really rattled. The glee that those people and their ignorant "something-for-nothing" followers over cramming a bill down our throats that advents the destruction of our great nation is so sickening, that I think I need healthcare now...
In the spirit of "let's-all-get-along", and "kumba ya", I think I've come up with a solution to make everybody happy. Since the country is divided anyway, let's split the country in half-- 25 states for the liberals to screw up as they please, and 25 states for the people who value life, liberty, and prosperity. The free states would go back to the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land. The socialist utopian half, well... who the f**k cares...?! They will have free healthcare, and free whatever else those people want, and leave the rest of us alone. Unfortunately, they will need us, especially our money. Hmmm... It's a thought.
I'm not even advocating a violent seperation, like in the 1860s. I just mean a peaceful divorce; kinda like the Czech republic and Slovakia underwent in the 1990s. No animosity, no hard feelings... Just a liberal paradise in one new country, and freedom and opportunity in the other. That way, we can all have the country and government we want! I think it's a wonderful idea!
As for me, I borrowed this slogan from the liberals: "Obama, keep your laws off my body!"

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