Saturday, March 27, 2010

Some more thoughts on secession...

I've really been thinking hard about my idea the last few days. It breaks my heart that we've come to this. as a kid, I was learning about the Civil War, and thought it absurd that the United States would actually split up. But now, we're in the midst of another civil war--not a violent one so far, (I pray it doesn't become one), but a war nonetheless between two highly polarized and incompatable sides--those that believe in freedom and personal responsibility; and those that believe in a huge governmental apparatus that runs everything in a person's life, providing anything they need and seemingly can't afford. These two positions ultimately cannot coexist. Government left unchecked by responsible public servants and an involved populace will seek to expand and engulf, until the entire population is subjugated.

So my idea, which I thought might appeal to the liberals--who are always concerned with "fairness"-- was to give 25 states to the liberals, and 25 states to the conservatives and freedom-lovers. I think that's a great idea, and it really does seem "fair". That way, both sides can have the kind of country they desire. I mentioned this to the Lovely Mrs. Shoehead, who-- alas--is as liberal as the night is long, and she would have no part of it, instead using my idea to bash Sarah Palin. Huh? Upon reflection, the liberals seem to not only want their own panacea, but they want everyone else to be subject to it as well. Hmmmm...

Anyway, I think my idea is great. 25 and 25 to each faction. The free states, would retain the title "United States of America", and the socialist states could rename theirs, "Obamaland"! I think that would be an amazing tribute to the historic young president. They could even have their own form of government that could let him be president-for-life! Maybe the capitol of their nation could be called "Pelosiville" or "Pelositown". Or hell, let's give all the accolades to this new founding father, and call it "Obama City". If they really wanna get down to it, the can start divvying up the states to all their different interest groups--the Blacks can have their own state; the gay, lesbian, & transgender community can have their own state; Latinos, the same, etc... I don't know, I really don't look at people as members of groups, I look at people as individuals. But I know that would indeed appeal to some people on the left, that's for sure. Their new nation would be theirs to do whatever they please with it. I dunno, these are just some suggestions. I really don't care what they do over there. I'll be living on the free side of the country, where the U.S. constitution will still be the law of the land.

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