Thursday, January 31, 2008

Downline Builders

Downline Builders

I'm really a big fan of downline builders. The concept is simple--use one site to promote several programs you're involved with. When you refer someone to the downline builder, and they sign up, they can enter their own referral ID into the different programs in the downline builder. If they're not in the program, they have the opportunity to join under your referral ID. Then when that person refers others into the program, it keeps repeating. The more people referred into it, the larger the downline. Here's an example: Your downline builder contains Program A, Program B, program C, and Program D. John signs up under you. He's already in Program A, so he puts in his existing referral ID. He joins Programs B and C, but for whatever reason he has no interest in joining Program D. So you've just got a level one referral in Programs B and C. Now, John refers Mary into the downline builder. Mary is not a member of any of the four programs, so she joins A, B, and C under John (B and C she's in your level two) and Program D she's on your level one.

As you can see, it's possible to build an enormous downline in several of your programs using these sites.

These are some of my favorite downline builders:

Free Money Team and MarketingPond
are both excellent sites, and all the programs are 100% FREE to join.

The Home-Income-Team(HIT) is also an excellent program. It's free to join,and most of the programs included are free as well, but there are some premium or pro-membership programs too. The training modules themselves are excellent, and worth joining this program in itself.

Another good, solid downline builder is TrafficHoopla. no frills, just a solid program.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The First Steps to Making Money Online...

The first thing to do is join this site. Inside are several money-making programs, including Yuwie, and they're all FREE. there are also the best traffic exchanges to promote your sites! This site has a built-in downline-building program that will automatically build up your downlines!

Then, it would be a good idea to join this site, too. This site is also free to join, but not all of the programs in here are free; there are a few "pro" memberships. But the training and the downline-builder function is awesome!

Both of these programs are good to help you get started with a little bit of time investment, and not a lot of money investment. the key is to stick with it, and NEVER GIVE UP! this club is available to help you succeed!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

This video speaks for itself....

This video was made by a 15 year-old girl, Lizzie Palmer. I just want to thank Lizzie for an amazing and touching video That really puts a lot into perspective. It also restores my faith in today's youth and our future generation.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Looking for MLM LEADERS

We're looking for true LEADERS in network marketing in all 50 states, and around the world. Not just reps, but people who can take charge, and develop a team. Our company has been operating since 1993, and growing faster every year. In 2008, we anticipate opening up in Mexico, so if you are Mexican, or have Mexican connections, this is a PERFECT time to join us! Se habla español. Look at our website for more details. Here's a brief overview of our company, with s ringing endorsement from Donald J. Trump!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

What have I been doing all day?

OK, so today, in my neck of the woods, it was so stormy, that I had the perfect excuse to catch up with my writing, my internet goofing around and my latest obsession, Blogshares. What exactly is Blogshares? Well here in their own words, is what Blogshares is all about-- "BlogShares is a fantasy stock market where weblogs are the companies. Players invest fictional dollars on shares in blogs. Blogs are valued by their incoming links and add value to other blogs by linking to them. Prices can go up or down based on trading and the underlying value of the blog. No actual ownership of blogs is transfered. BlogShares is purely a fictional marketplace."
It really is a fun game, and it's completely win-win. Your blog gets more traffic and visibility, and it's fun as anything to play. Kudos to the guys at Blogshares!


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Friday, January 04, 2008

Here's a New Year's resolution--Quit Smoking!

I quit smoking (cigarettes, at least) about this time seven years ago. Let me tell you, it was tough! Here's an article I found all about kickin' the butts...

Having trouble quitting smoking?

Shape, March, 2006 by Gabrielle Gayagoy

See this movie. In case lung cancer and heart disease aren't scary enough reasons to ditch your nicotine habit, the staggering death tolls highlighted in the film Thank You for Smoking (Fox Searchlight Pictures) ought to stop you from lighting up.

Based on Christopher Buckley's 1994 novel, the movie follows a Big Tobacco media spokesman as he realizes just how bad cigarettes can be for people. Hopefully, the film will do for smokers what Super Size Me did for fast-food junkies. In theaters March 17--G.G.
COPYRIGHT 2006 Weider Publications
COPYRIGHT 2006 Gale Group

Here's a few resources to help you quit:
EasyQuit System
Stop Smoking w/CigArrest
Lung Detox
FreshStart-Quit smoking in one hour!
QuitSmokingRightNow-One of the best programs out there!

Cigarrest to Stop Smoking in 7 Days!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Back to Life, Back to Reality...

OK, it's time to get serious again. The holidays are over, my neighbors took down all their Christmas decorations, there's still an empty champagne bottle on my coffee table... Time to shake it off and start making things happen again. I'm gonna start by eliminating procrastination. Next week. The next thing is to try and improve my memory, by using that, um... what was it? Uh... Oh yeah--Quantum Mind Power! that's right! I intend to create-- a new reality! I might even de-clutter my house!

I'll let you know how it goes.

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year!

OK, so it's 2008. Finally it's here. I bet alot of people are making their resolutions, and I bet a lot of them are to lose weight/get-in-shape... I'm not making it an official resolution, but I plan to get back on my fitness program. With the move, and the holidays, I really lost momentum. So I plan to get back on the stick and build back my muscle, and get six-pack abs in no time!
Oh, yeah, and today's sponsor is an awesome website, that I'm very involved with and a member of their online community, They're an awesome bunch of people.
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