Saturday, September 01, 2012

The things I've seen and done...

My roommate, Martha suggested as a blog topic tonight, "The things I've seen and done." So, I'll stick with it, but the things I've seen and done are far too numerous to list. But they do share a common thread--They all add to the pageant of events and experiences that make me Shoehead. This is basically what I saw and did last night:
It's the Richmond VA Expat's Friday Night Party picture. A group of Richmonders now living scattered across the USA, decided to have a virtual party every last Friday of the month. We all seemed to drink separately anyway, so why not drink together separately! To give a feeling of commonality and togetherness, we choose a 1) Drink 2) Theme 3) Bonus item. Last night it was Margarita, Palm Tree, and Cocktail Umbrella. And, we also had a Bonus Bonus: A college item to commemorate the opening of college football. It's a fun little "party",  all done in the name of friendship. The club is open to all; the Expat's are just the "hosts" and admins to the group. So lift a glass, put on a crazy shirt or hat, post a pic, and be one of us for a minute! The Last Friday of every month! See ya then!

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