Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Scammers. Damn scammers. Damn flim-flammin' scammers...

The scammer called me back today, from that job posting I found last week on good ol' Craigslist. I was trying to play it out--I'd called the authorities, and was just waiting for his bogus check to arrive, but I think the dude's on to me. He started out his usual demanding self, and I kept telling him things like, "I'm so glad to be helping these poor children" and "I won't let these kids down". He ceased texting me rather abruptly, so he might've seen through my counter-ruse. Oh, well. I was starting to tire of this cat-and-mouse thing anyway.
The whole thing leads me to ponder--the majority of these scams seem to generate from Nigeria. If these Nigerians are so creative, web-savvy, and industrious when it comes to scamming people, how come they can't re-focus those energies into building a legitimate economy for their country? Nigeria could become an economic powerhouse in Western Africa if they'd take all the efforts and energies put into web scams, and actually create something positive with it. Tremendous amounts of effort are put into these scams. If they only gave it a shot. Nigeria's still a typical sub-Saharan shit-hole. Maybe, just maybe, they can turn the country around. Become the Silicon Valley or the Seattle of Africa. Maybe they can improve the quality of liofe around their country, and maybe the region. At least they can hold their heads high, and say "We built this!" instead of "I scammed some old American lady out of this."
I'm just sayin'...

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