Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Just got a Las Cruces update.

I was gonna blog tonight about my recurring dream, but I think I'll save it for another post. I was just chatting with a friend of mine from Las Cruces NM, who was very involved with me in the downtown revitalization. It seems that after I left, (of course, not because I left, but after I left) downtown Las Cruces revitalization efforts stalled out a bit. After opening the northern Main Street remodel, and beginning construction on the southern portion, it seems now that downtown is once again a dead zone. I was really connected with the rebuilding efforts--I'd walk every day along the construction project, and marvel at the progress. I just found out that La Iguana had closed. This was somewhat poignant to me, because my first day in Las Cruces, I was shown the construction, met the owner, and awaited its opening. It opened in December 2010, and I had eaten there several times, and enjoyed a pretty decent friendship with the owners. It seems that other businesses are closing down too, and once again the promise of a revitalized downtown in Las Cruces vanishes like a desert miraolds once again for ge. I toy with the idea of moving back there. I have a lot of friends, and it's a nice little town. But I really had hopes for a thriving, vibrant Main Street. We'll see what the future holds for Las Cruces. Here's the coffee cup from a cute little downtown boutique, where I had a very good relationship with the owners. I got them on Magic 105. Good times! Whenever I drink my coffee, I think of them...

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