Monday, August 27, 2012

A quick Monday wrap-up...

I went on a home repair call with my buddy Bret, a good Christian brother and crazy Cajun from my church. I learned a lot from paying attention to the interplay between the subcontractor (Bret & me) and the contractor (another dude from the church). First thing I learned: Bring a hat. Holy cow, the sun is bright and blazing. Second thing: Inspect the job before you accept the bid. Some drunk flunky looked at the job and measured the house all wrong, and we got there and there was a lot more work than originally projected. We had to renegotiate the price of the job.  Third thing: get plenty of sleep. I thought I was gonna fall off the scaffold. Yikes.
Trying to decide if I'm going back to the walk-around-Home-Depot job. A new job opened up, still walking around Home Depot, but less stressful, and more of a helpful position, not a pestering the customer gig. (I really need to finish the screenplays and escape this realm, anyway.)
Until next time, keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the whee-ull...

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