Thursday, July 12, 2012

Two-week post-job update: Not working is AWESOME, but the pay kinda sucks...

It's been two weeks since I left the temp job at Tech Turn.  And what a two weeks it's been! I've been working on a few business ventures, and celebrated Fourth of July. I celebrated Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh of July as well, just for good measure. The rewrites on the vampire script is near complete, and we've been trying to get the rap script into preproduction. Life is good...
Austin is a really great town. I'm taking some time to explore an really experience this town. I went to a bar called Sherlock's a few nights ago. It was a nice little pub-style bar, and there were some great-looking women there. (After all, I'm now 99% single!)
I've also been doing just a bit of job-hunting. Nothing makes me feel more demoralized and useless than trudging about in my suit, all uncomfortable; bringing my resume and putting on my "game face" (BOY, do I hate that term!); talking to some recruiter who sells me on how really creative and important the Statue of Liberty costume job in front of the tax preparers storefront is. Or how after I pass out enough oil-change coupons at gas stations, I'll get to be an assistant manager. Or some such...  *sigh*
There have been a few cool jobs I've applied for, too. The important thing is, I stay focused and true to who I am. That's right, your ol' pal Shoehead. HEY, what's today? The twelvth of July? Time to celebrate! Pass me a BL Chelada...


  1. Hope you find something soon Mark... til then enjoy it!!!

  2. Thanks, Jessica! YOU ROCK!!!

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