Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday morning, you gave me no warning...

Today, I had two tasks.  My church's Vacation Bible School, where I'm the host (I didn't even study my lines) and a job interview at 2 pm for a killer sales job. The problem I ran into, was I had the worst insomnia last night. I couldn't get to sleep until close to 2 am, and I woke up at 5:30 am. For some reason, I kept missing the train to Happy Dreamland. So, I tried my best to lay down and recharge until the designated waking time, but it was not to be. Another thing that added to my stress level--and presumably, my insomnia--were the two corollary tasks--one for each main task--that I needed to accomplish as well. The first was go to H-E-B and pick up food coloring before my 8:15 call time at the church. It was for a "mad scientist's lab" set we had build for one of the VBS modules. Were I to fail that task, the lab table would have empty beakers and test tubes! This was an absolute imperative! The other corollary task was to go to Kinko's (I still say "Kinko's"--I'll never yield to "FedEx Office Store") and print two copies of my stellar resume for the interview. So, with all these hoops to jump through, it was a small wonder that I managed to: Get the food coloring, get me to church on time (for Pete's sake!), learn the lines, perform, get to Kinko's, take nap#1, interview, go home, walk dogs, take nap #2, post crazy crap on Facebook, and still get to blog about it.
So, I'd say this has been a good day! The interview went well (at least, I think it did) so we'll see what the outrcome will be. I had no idea at this morning's alarm clock if I'd get'er done, or completely go down in flames.Well, God was on my side this time!


  1. Hahahahahahahaha......hahahaha.....*sigh* Oh, geez. I'M SORRY. I had no idea that sending you out to get the food coloring was gonna add stress to you. Poor baby. It's okay. Whatever the outcome of yesterday, I'm sure you would've done fine no matter what. As for the rest of the week, you're gonna be fine. No more tea......its too much caffeine. :)

  2. Hahaha Nah, after I picked up the food coloring, the rest of the day was smooth sailing! LOL
