Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My last day of 45...

I turn 46 tomorrow. Now, it's setting in that I'm on the downside to 50. This year has been a pretty good year all-in-all. Las Cruces has been very good to me. I'm involved with a bunch of civic and community groups, I have my cool radio job. Life is good. What to do today... I'm still on light-duty at work, due to my recent bout with heart and high blood pressure. I'm also not drinking at the moment, for health reasons. So party-off-the-wall is kinda out for now. I have committee meetings today, and I need to put the finishing touches on my latest script. Fun stuff, busy stuff. So the promises of 45 are either fulfilled, or left unrequited until next year. I KNOW--sushi!!! YAY!!!

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