Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The latest laugh...

My last phone died around May 1st. Actually, it didn't die per se, but the charging port broke, and no charger would lock in and recharge my phone, ergo, cette phone est morte... So I finally got a fancy new picture/web phone, bringing my neo-Luddite technological level to about 2005 AD. Unfortunately, most of my contact numbers were trapped in my old dead phone, so I had to run around and email everybody for their new number. The other day, I caught up with my friend SimplyStar, and we swapped numbers. I texted her a few times including a pic, and she 's been texting me for 2 weeks. Unfortunately, neither of us received any texts from each other. I finally hit her up on twitter, and asked her number again, and wouldn't you know it, I'd copied it wrong. I then sent her my number, and it seems I'd typed the wrong number for myself as well! We've been texting 2 random people and sending them pics for 2 weeks!
So we did straighten it out, but  I wonder who those people are, and what they thought of our random texts. And I hope the pics we sent each other don't end up in some crazy cyber-weirdo site!


  1. LOL!!!

    That's Me!

    hahaa.. I am new to blogger. Yay! First hour on here.

  2. Welcome to Blogger, PinkPop! I like your blog, too! Good stuff!
    Now, for the anonymous spammer: Dude- Six posts? For real... Did you sell any of your crap jewelry from posting in my comments? Is that really an effective marketing technique? And why the anonymity? What if I'd purchased one of your trinkets and wanted to thank you and give you a glowing testimonial? *sigh*
