Saturday, June 26, 2010

Trouble in Melrose Place ALREADY...???

OK, So I'm renting the east wing of the new place. The Landlord stays in the main house in the center. Right now she's on vacation for a month. The people that live in the west wing had a problem with my dog barking (they have 2 dogs too) and instead of coming over and talking to me, they called the landlord while she's on vacation, and she just called me now to harsh me out. 
WHO DOES THAT??? I'm a nice guy, I live here, and yet they wanna get me in trouble with the landlord?
Landlord suggested I go over there and apologize/grovel... Wha...??? Not after this, freakin' rats!
Any thoughts/feedback on that friends?


  1. That is pretty crappy of your neighbors. I had a neighbor that let her dogs pee all over my stuff on my patio. I talked to her several times, put a kind letter on her door, finally a STERN letter on her door, before I called the landlord. They should have tried to work it out with you first. I'd go apologize just to keep the peace, and tell them straight up that in the future, you'd appreciate it if they'd talk to you before going to the landlord, since you're a reasonable, nice guy and you want to be a good neighbor.

  2. That was a total dick move on the part of your neighbors. They should have come to you first. If you & your neighbors could not resolve the situation then, at that point, I could see that it would have been appropriate to involve the landlord. In the mean time I would agree with Tiffani... apologize to keep the peace and TELL THEM that you didn't appreciate them going to the landlord, that they should have talked to you first.

  3. You are a good guy! I agree with the others. Go over and say you are sorry that your dog bothered them and if they ever have any issues in the future to please let you know and you will take care of it!!

  4. i say you make a point and move out all together to someplace different like, say, hmmmm new mexico maybe?

  5. Exactly, friends! Come to me FIRST... If I don't address it, or I'm a dick or whatever, then go to the landlord...
