Monday, June 28, 2010

I feel like I'm made outta gingerbread! (Uh huh, uh huh!)

Now that my obligatory year-long mourning period for Jacko is over, it's time to get to some serious blogging. To my awesome readers, I offer up an apology for my flaccid blogging for the last year, as I was mourning the gloved one, and dealing with my own peccadilloes and follies. (I just took a shot of Captain Morgan's spiced rum for creativity fuel. I know it's not even noon yet. There's just a little bit of Captain in me now.) Where was I... oh yeah, rum (Takes another nip) NOW... Let's blog!
If you've been following my last few blog posts, my barking dogs, and my babysitting of Cowgirl for the ailing Lovely Mrs Shoehead, and the sneaky treachery of my co-tenants have darkened my standing here at the new Melrose place. While I may or may not get voted off the island, it has become all too apparent that my new digs are probably a mismatch for me, my tattletale co-tenants, and my landlord. I've been planning a major relocation this year anyway--a much needed exile from the Golden State--and now I've decided to hasten the process.Just as I was dealing with all this, a producer friend called me and opened up some opportunities in another city, another state. I think the lesson here is, when a door closes, another door opens!
And it's Monday, too! I love Mondays. To me, it's a new week, a fresh start. In fact, the Muppets actually reflect how I feel today:

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