Monday, May 17, 2010

That's gonna be one expensive croissant!

Yesterday, I got lazy and decided to drive to the donut shop (5 blocks). I loaded up my 3 dogs into the Shooey-mobile, and off I went. Upon returning, I got pulled over right in front of my house--much to the chagrin of my neighbors. I knew the Shooey-mobile had a myriad of violations (the Lovely Mrs Shoehead's plates on it being one of them) but by the grace and favor of God (or luck, for my non-believing friends) the cop didn't impound my car! I got off with a "fix-it"! As I glanced over at my car, I could swear the dogs were in the car laughing at me!
So this morning I did go and register the car properly. *sigh* You can't fight the system. Well, you can, but you won't win!

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