Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Kent State 1970

I wanted to show recognition to the 40 anniversary of the Kent State incident. I had several ideas of where I wanted to go with my commentary—the relation to current events, the principles of government force against an unarmed populace, the climate of societal division on the American landscape, the consequences of rioting on a college campus—I thought about every angle I could examine this. Instead, I decided to just mark the tragic occasion without commentary.

I love my country. I pray for, and worry about America every day. We as a people, as a nation, have seen difficult and tearful times. Undoubtedly, we will see more. But we are also a resilient people, and we survive Kent States, and 9/11s, and whatever else tests our nation’s resolve. God bless and protect this great nation, and let not those four Kent State students be forgotten.

Allison Krause (April 23, 1951-May 4, 1970)

Jeffrey Glenn Miller (March 28, 1950-May 4, 1970)

Sandy Scheuer (August 11, 1949-May 4 1970)

William Knox Scroeder (July 20, 1950-May 4, 1970)

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