Thursday, February 18, 2010

Life is a trip...

I had another blog topic today (I'm actually shaking off the funk and putting effort into my blogging again!), but I just recieved the news that an old friend of mine, Paige Kienel passed away this past November. I'd texted her a few times, and called, and had hoped to grab a latte with her on my Richmond trip this past December. When I didn't hear from her, I just thought she'd been busy. Paige was a real go-getter; she always had something going on. I saw on Facebook that it was her birthday, and I left her a birthday comment, and as I was gonna drop a quick note saying call me or something, I realized that she hadn't posted anything in a while. Plus, all the messages said things like "we miss you" and such. I scrolled down to realize that she was indeed dead, having died several months ago.
It really hit me hard. She was so vibrant, and full of life... One of the saddest things for me is that I hadn't seen her since 1996. We lost touch and reconnected through Facebook, but I hadn't seen her in person since the 90's. We'd exchanged numbers in September, and made tentative plans to get together over the Holidays, but it didn't work out. I guess if I'm trying to get a meaning out of this is that you just can't take life for granted. I'm very comtemplative right now, and I need to search for a deeper meaning.
Rest in peace, my cool friend... Meredith Paige Kienel 1971-2009


  1. Anonymous5:23 AM

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  2. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Good dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.

  3. Hey Mark - I temped a job with Paige in the mid nineties and too had reconnected on Facebook. We exchanged a few messages, but over time I thought she had defriended me (she wouldnt have been the first) as she disappeared from Facebook. I've recently discovered she passed away in 2009. Truly sad. I read her family asked that donations be made to a cancer charity. Do you know if she was sick? She seemed as active as always! Thanks & take care.
