Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Another rainy night in Firebaugh...

It's been totally raining for like the last 2 weeks (or 3?) and, while the rain is really needed, it's become a bit dreary and depressing. (But my lawn has never looked greener!) I missed the Super Bowl, cuz I had to take care of some business, but I knew the Saints would win. I just had a feeling.
Things are pretty much the same around Casa Shoehead, other than we've turned it into a hardcore training camp. Every day now--100 pushups, pullups (NOT 100...) Lifting weights again, 6-mile runs... That's definitely cool. I can feel myself getting stronger by the day... YAY! But the scene here in The 'Baugh is, well... Ummmm... quiet.
Bocce and Butch-Butch are fighting like dogs and dogs. I'm down to 2 cats. otherwise, the exact same as before.
Perfect blogging weather, though!
See ya tomorrow!


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