Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cutting through the haze...

My life seems like it's getting a little better after all the storm and turmoil. As always, I try to keep a positive attitude, and an optimistic outlook. I believe this year will be a turnaround year. My ACN business is doing pretty well, our medical collective is getting off the ground, and things are starting to lighten up. I've been talking (negotiating?) with the lovely Mrs. Shoehead, and even on that front things are looking a little brighter. I've long held a belief that events and things in the world and in life are cyclical--and after the winter always comes the spring. This past season has been particularly brutal, but it also builds character. I've learned some skills and some thought patterns that will stay with me for the rest of my life. So all-in-all, I'm feeling much better. I've been running, and training for a marathon this year. I'm not sure which one, but I'd love to do the L.A. if it's not sold out.
I missed last night's Idol, but I heard that crazy "Pants on the Ground" song. Man, I need to pay my satellite bill and get my TV back on!


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