Sunday, November 30, 2008

Life without water…

Ok, now this really sucks. Last week, I discovered that a small leak from the outside water pipe had gone from a mild seeping to a full-blown spraying. It was soaking my back porch and flowing down under the house into the crawl-space. The worst part about it, is that there’s a cut off valve right there, and I could shut the water on and off as I need to, but the cracked pipe is—of course—below the valve. Naturally!
Since I’ve been working a lot of hours, and the Lovely Mrs. Shoehead was on another of her trips, I had no time to try and fix it. We had the City shut off the water. So all week, I’ve been showering at my gym, and using gallon bottled water to survive. It’s like being on a camping trip in your own home! What fun! Anyway, I’m so over it, and today I’m gonna do my best Bob Vila impression, and try to fix the pipe! Yay!
Wish me luck...

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