Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year!

OK, so it's 2008. Finally it's here. I bet alot of people are making their resolutions, and I bet a lot of them are to lose weight/get-in-shape... I'm not making it an official resolution, but I plan to get back on my fitness program. With the move, and the holidays, I really lost momentum. So I plan to get back on the stick and build back my muscle, and get six-pack abs in no time!
Oh, yeah, and today's sponsor is an awesome website, that I'm very involved with and a member of their online community, They're an awesome bunch of people.
Dr. Siegal's COOKIE DIET™ - More than 500,000 people have used his cookies to lose weight. Now it's your turn!

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Dr. Sanford Siegal's COOKIE DIET™


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